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What is this SDGs declaration?

It seems like repeating what we have mentioned in earlier pages. Furthermore, it seems like contradicting
what we are doing i.e. fishery on tuna.

To establish a smooth chain of supply for food and seafood products to achieve business sustainability.

To strengthen our business profiles and further enhance our capabilities to grow and further develop our

October 1, 2022
CEO Takeuchi Kazuo

Key Objectives 2030

Sustainable Pelagic Fishing

As an expert in pelagic fishery industry, we have been focused on
sustainability of our business operation by safeguarding our
crews's health and to protect and maintain the ecological food
chain in the ocean. We will continue to contribute to the
development of the fishery industry and regional economy.

As an expert in pelagic fishery industry, we have been focused on
sustainability of our business operation by safeguarding our
crews's health and to protect and maintain the ecological food
chain in the ocean. We will continue to contribute to the
development of the fishery industry and regional economy.

Our organisation fully support the
protection on sustainability of the pelagic fishery by implementing the measures such as reduction in energy usage, controlled fishing, health management for crews, maximisation of sale and
purchase and reduction in food wastage.


Stable supply of safe and reliable "farmed fish"

We will achieve safety management of eel cultivation with the
highest standards of care, from the rearing environment to the
shipping environment. Always from the consumer's point of view, we will pursue a stable supply of safe, secure, and delicious eels
and contribute to the sustainable use of fishery resources and
environmental protection.

We will achieve safety management of eel cultivation with the
highest standards of care, from the rearing environment to the
shipping environment. Always from the consumer's point of view, we will pursue a stable supply of safe, secure, and delicious eels
and contribute to the sustainable use of fishery resources and
environmental protection.

【Main Initiatives】
Obtaining HACCP certification, building a traceability system and
establishing an integrated production system

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What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals established by the United Nations to create a sustainable society
in the midst of various emerging issues such as poverty, climate change, racial and gender discrimination, and work styles. 17 goals
and 169 targets have been identified as priority issues to be solved by 2030.

In order to achieve the goals, not only the United Nations and governments, but also corporations, NPOs, and individuals are
expected to play an active role.

By working on the SDGs, companies will be able to demonstrate that they are sustainable organizations in the face of climate change and other changes in the business environment.

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